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CoH Tournament

Started by MrAussieDevil, June 20, 2010, 07:48:38 PM

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QuoteWe're starting a round robin tournament of 1v1 COH between *AUS* members!


- Each player will play everyone once in a round robin. Once that is finished, the list will be divided into two tiers and the top half and the bottom half will have their own finals.

- Each round will go for a week according to a map list that we will announce soon. The two members who are listed to verse each other for a particular week will have the freedom to choose a time of their liking as long as it is still within week from Monday to Sunday. If someone you've been partnered with doesn't have any spare time to play your match with you that week, they will automatically forfeit their match.

- Meetup in the 'Company of Heroes Tourney' channel in TS for the match and there may be an audience!

- Each match will be played for two rounds with each player taking turns as Allies and Axis. It is then entirely your choice as to whether you play as the USA or the British Commonwealth in the Allies or the Wehrmacht or Panzer Elite in the Axis. The settings for each match will be the standard ranked game setting: Victory Points @ 500 points, Random positions and Standard resources.

Points will be awarded on these outcomes:

2-0: 2.5 points to winner, 0.5 points to loser.
1-1: 2 points to winner, 1 point to loser (overall victory determined by ticket majority as shown below).
Forfeit: 1.5 points.

1-1 ticket majority victory example:

Round 1
systemlord (axis) vs floydie (allies), systemlord wins 73 tickets

Round 2
systemlord (allies) vs floydie (axis), floydie wins by 189 tickets

Conclusion: Floydie wins with more tickets than System so he wins the overall match. 2 points for Floydie, 1 point for System.

Signed up:


PS: Make sure your game is up to date with the 2.601 patch. If you're interested in this tourney but don't have CoH, just purchase this version http://www.ebgames.com.au/pc-146213-Company-of-Heroes-Tales-of-Valor-PC and you'll have access to all four factions; The USA, British Commonwealth, Wehrmacht & Panzer Elite. Mind you, it's heaps cheaper on Steam @ $20.

If any one is interested in getting in on this head on over to the BF forums and register if you haven't already and make a post in the public section of the forums or PM either Blood_Raven or myself and we'll set you up with access to the CoH tourny section of the forums.. then just add your name to the list :)


Damn, sounds good, but I can't play  :(